Can we measure up to top U.S. Metros like Chicago, Dallas, and Phoenix for Manufacturing? I Believe We Can, and Here’s Why. 

August 29, 2024 William Mears 


A recent comprehensive analysis by CommercialSearch of the top 100 metro markets for industrial manufacturing space evaluated areas based on three key indicators: manufacturing space inventory, manufacturing indicators and costs, and logistics infrastructure.

While comparing our industrial space inventory to Chicago’s might seem daunting—Chicago boasts 226.4 million square feet compared to our 30.5 million—the analysis also considered other critical factors: manufacturing indicators and costs, as well as logistics infrastructure.

The study identified three common factors driving manufacturing growth in leading markets:

  • Robust infrastructure
  • Strong talent pools
  • Significant investments and government initiatives enhancing appeal and stability

Our market stands strong on all three of these factors. Our infrastructure is a vital asset for industrial development. Blackhawk Tech continues to excel in contributing skilled talent to our labor pool, and our communities provide attractive incentives for investment and lifestyle amenities.

We may not be Chicago, Dallas, or Phoenix—nor would we want to be—but we certainly hold our own when measuring up to those metros.

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