By Clint Wolf - November 5th 2023



The demolition of the building that formerly housed Kerry offices and Fat Wallet offices at 80 — 100 E. Grand Ave. will be discussed during a meeting set for 5 — 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7 at the Downtown Beloit Association offices, 557 E. Grand Ave.

The existing 11,380-squarefoot structure, including the section that hangs over the Rock River, is planned for demolition next year. The City of Beloit has been instructed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that the section that is hanging over the Rock River is cause for environmental concern. The structure must be removed by the year 2042.

The plans for the property include demolishing the building and constructing a new $48,000-square-foot, four-story building in its place. Hendricks Commercial Properties is the owner of the property and East Grand Development, a Hendricks company, will in charge of constructing the new building. Plans call for the building to have a restaurant as well as offices, and possibly apartments. Also, there are plans for an expanded riverwalk near the property.

The proposed public-private development involves the building at 80-100 East Grand Avenue. The demolition process will be led by the City of Beloit.


The City was awarded a $495,000 Municipal Flood Control Grant, as well as a Stewardship Local Assistance, Federal Land & Water Conservation Fund, and Recreational Trails Program Grant by the Wisconsin DNR to assist with funding the project in support of removal of the structure from the Rock River. The project will decrease flood elevations upstream and promote outdoor recreation with the extension of the Rock River Trail/Downtown Riverwalk.

Construction is planned for spring 2024 through summer 2025. The river will be diverted at some point during the demolition.

The meeting on Tuesday will present preliminary design information and concepts, as well as the proposed schedule. The format of the meeting will be an open house with a variety of exhibits available for review. People are encouraged to provide input, and ask questions regarding this project.

Representatives from the City of Beloit and Batterman Engineering will be on hand to discuss the project on an individual basis.

Anyone who will be unable to attend the meeting can contact Alex Feuling, Project Manager at 608-365-4464

. Written comments can be mailed to RH Batterman & Company, Inc., 2857 Bartells Drive, Beloit, WI 53511, or by email at afeuling@rhbatterman. com